Banana Benz: among the best online stores 2024
The data from the Itqf report has positioned our e-commerce among the Best of 2024
This year too, Banan Benz is among the " Best e-commerce sites in Italy " according to the La Repubblica A&F survey in the Multi-brand Fashion sector with a score of 83.88 on a sector average of 83.66.
The online commerce recorded a real boom during the Covid emergency, and then witnessed a return of consumers to physical stores in the post-pandemic period. However, its growth has not stopped, it is just proceeding at a slower pace. Purchasing products and services on the web has now become a consolidated habit for many Italians and it is precisely for them that the German Institute for Quality and Finance (Itqf) has created his latest study, entitled “The 700 best e-commerce sites in Italy” . Now in its sixth edition, the survey has examined over 8,000 Italian-speaking online shops based in Italy, belonging to 11 macro-categories and 63 product sectors, ranging from fashion to beauty, including food and sport.
The evaluation was very meticulous: it involved the analysis of 15 factors, including design, functionality, product presentation, service offered, purchase and delivery conditions, as well as obviously measuring the level of consumer satisfaction. This year's ranking reserves quite a few surprises, because it mainly rewards small-medium operators, relegating the big names in global e-commerce to the second row.
The Itqf investigation started from a "long list" of 8,000 online shops which had to have the following characteristics: be in Italian, have their registered office and tax office in Italy, be provided with all the data required by the regulations and have at least 10 thousand visitors per month. The first selection was made based on the evaluation of the experts, who judged the "functionality of the search", "the usability of the catalog system", the "presentation of the product", the "trust and safety", "the purchase and delivery” and “service and communication”. In the next phase, customer satisfaction was measured through an online survey which made it possible to collect 320 thousand opinions.
The survey was conducted online by the ServiceValue research institute in Cologne in April 2024 using the Cawi method (Computer assisted web interview). The interviewees, who were chosen on the basis of their sociodemographic characteristics in order to make the survey representative of the Italian population by area, sex and age, were asked the following question: “Overall, how satisfied are you with the online store? Please rate us based on your customer experience over the last 12 months." The possible answers were: "enthusiastic", "very satisfied", "satisfied", "fairly satisfied", "not very satisfied", "not at all satisfied".
The final ranking was formulated by assigning equal weight to the experts' judgment and customer satisfaction. Online stores that obtained a score above the average for their sector were awarded the "Best e-commerce in Italy" certification.
Source: La Repubblica by Marco Frojo